Statistics and Applied Mathematics

Statistics and Applied Mathematics

The Statistics and Applied Mathematics Department was founded on 30 June, 2016 by a decree of the Academic Council of the University of Economics - Varna. The Department is formed through a merger of Statistics and Applied Mathematics Departments. The decision was prompted by the constant pursuit of the academic community for providing an adaptive structure of the University, which develops in line with modern trends and meets the actual educational needs of society.

Statistics Department is established in 1946 by Prof. Tsvetan Stoynov implementing the best academic traditions and ideas for the professing statistics, laid by Prof. Naum Dolinsky and Prof. Oskar Anderson. The Department of "Applied Mathematics" is the successor of the Department of "Mathematics", established in 1970 by one of the leading researchers in the field of economical and mathematical modelling in Bulgaria Prof. Kostadin Bonev.

The academic staff of the Statistics and Applied Mathematics Department includes lecturers who have acquired educational and scientific PhD degree in Economics, PhD in Administration and Management, PhD in Mathematics, and PhD in Informatics and Computer Sciences. The Department has lecturers with academic ranks in professional fields of Mathematics and Economics.

The Department of Statistics and Applied Mathematics is actively involved in the provision of professional training to the students in Bachelor and Master programs, studying various disciplines at the University of Economics - Varna. The lecturers of the Department carry out training of students both in the basic mathematical and statistical disciplines, and in the applied disciplines, oriented to a wide range of applications of mathematics and statistics in the computer sciences and economics.

The academic staff of the department provides training of PhD students in two doctoral programs in the field of economics, namely Statistics and Demography and Optimal Management of Economic Systems.

The presence in the Department of Statistics and Applied Mathematics of experts in various scientific fields such as mathematics, statistics, economics, administration and management, informatics and computer sciences ensures the interdisciplinary nature of training aimed at comprehensive satisfaction of the professional needs of the students studying mathematical and statistical disciplines and provides both in-depth theoretical knowledge in the subject area, and ample opportunities for actual implementation of this knowledge into practice.