Dear students,
The second PROMINENCE Intensive study program (ISP 2019) will be held in April 2019 in Aschaffenburg, Germany. ISP 2019 is part of PROMINENCE project, funded by ERASMUS + programme, Key Action 2.
Host of the Intensive study program 2019 is the University of Applied Sciences in Aschaffenburg, Germany.
Students of all seven partner universities participate in each Intensive study programme, so you will meet new friends from France, Germany, Poland, Finland, Slovakia and Hungary.
Travel and accommodation costs are included in the project budget. The duration of each Intensive study program is 5 days.
So, we invite you on October 12, 2018 at 3 pm in Hall 116 or 128 to join the Info Session with the host university where we will present in brief the PROMINENCE project with the criteria for participation and the next steps in selecting and organizing your participation in the Intensive study program 2019.
The University of Applied Sciences in Aschaffenburg, Germany, is visiting the Varna University of Economics as part of a two-day workshop with all five PROMINENCE partners, namely:

More information and photos about the first Intensive Study Program, which was held in March 2018, in Bratislava, Slovakia, you can see here.
For further information, please visit the Project Management section, fl. 1, room. 107, Miroslava Ivanova