International Economic Relations

International Economic Relations

The "International Economic Relations" major was established by decision of the Academic Council of the University of Economics –Varna on 18.06.1990. It has received its first accreditation on a meeting of the Accreditation Council to NEAA on 04.01.1999 for the academic year 1999/2000.

The "International Economic Relation" major develops four levels of education - bachelor, master, doctor (or PhD until 2007) and qualification. Since its creation, more than 2,800 professionals have been taught, two-thirds of them - in the bachelor program, one third – in master degree education, in addition - 200 specialists in various qualification and requalification  training courses. In the department 16 PhD students have been accepted, 12 of which have defended a doctorate degree.

Graduates of the program are sought after by Bulgarian and foreign companies in the region, in the country and abroad. The new needs of the economy in the Varna region predetermine the realization of the students in tourism, shipbuilding, chemical industry, energy, in the field of culture and education, brokerage, finance, and representations of foreign and other Bulgarian companies with foreign economic orientation, international organizations and European institutions.

The major develops enhanced international student mobility in the Erasmus program, which enables many of our students to specialize abroad. They present themselves perfectly on the annual international conferences and many of our students, after graduation, win scholarships and continue their education at prestigious universities in Europe and the US.      

The lecturers of the department enjoy authority with universities and other higher educational institutions in the city and in the country through their teaching and research activities. Thanks to their foreign language training and professional specializations abroad, the specialized courses are adapted to Western academic standards. Tracking the latest specialized literature, the cooperation with practice and participation in interdisciplinary project teams allows lecturers of the department to publish competitive publications in refereed international periodicals.